Fundraising Ideas That Work

Here are 10 proven Raffle and Event ideas that are true moneymakers for your organization.
Event and Ticket Raffle Sales are the easiest way to make money prior to the event or big drawing.
Everyone wants a chance to win the big prize or enjoy a great meal, especially if it is for a good cause.

Cash Prize Raffle

Cash Prize Raffle is the most popular way of running a fundraiser. This is similar to holding a lottery where you sell tickets to thousands of people and the ticket sale exceeds the grand cash prize. The grand winner takes home the prize money and the organization keeps the rest.

BBQ's, Steak Dinners, Spaghetti Feeds,
Catfish Frys and Even Pancake Breakfasts

Food Events are all time favorites for organizations to involve its members and bond with the community over America's favorite past-time; eating. All you need is a church hall, community center, a park, or any other venue with good parking and food prep areas. Pre-sell your tickets and during the event have drawings for donated items. Don't forget to sell recipe books, souvenirs, or even more food like homemade pies, cakes, cookies and jams.

Car Wash Fundraiser

It's almost a summer tradition. Ask a local merchant in a high traffic area to let your group use his parking lot and water source for the day. Soap is cheap, bring lots of sponges, towels, a couple hoses with spray nozzles and a bunch of volunteers. Kids with signs will bring in some business, but pre-selling Numbered Tickets will guarantee a lot better revenue.

Quilt Fundraiser

Talk to the local quilters in your area and ask them to donate a quilt or two. Hand-made quilts are quite desirable and out of most peoples price range, but you can easily sell Numbered Raffle Tickets with a picture of the quilts, for a chance to win a real piece of Americana.

Crab Feeds
Crawfish Boils, Clambakes

If you live in a coastal area, these are seasonal social events and a chance for your biggest annual fundraiser. Combine these events with local entertainment and a bar and you will almost have to turn people away. Use numbered Tickets for admittance and the stub portion for drinks, food, and prize drawings.

Gun Raffles

Gun Raffles are an increasingly popular fundraising tool. From fancy one-of-a-kind engraved Shotguns to very utilitarian pistols, many groups make their gun raffle an annual event. Guns don't always need to be new. Antique and collectible arms are often donated to raise money for a cause. Don't forget that accessories and ammunition make excellent additional prizes. Remember to abide by all laws regarding gun transfers. A simple numbered Raffle ticket with a stub and maybe with a photo of the grand prize is all you need to get started.

Big Ticket Raffles

Donations of Expensive Theme Park Tickets or Box Seat Tickets to Big Sporting Events can be a windfall for your organization. Throw in a few additional prizes to sweeten the pot and you have the makings of a successful fundraising raffle. All you need is a numbered and stubbed ticket listing all the pertinent details and you are ready to go.

Big Screen TV Raffle

Big Screen TV's or any popular electronic device make really attractive prizes for a raffle. Donations by retailers are great, but even if you can't get it for free, a good discount will still make your raffle really profitable. Numbered and stubbed tickets with your prize information is all you need to get started.

New Car Raffle

Believe if or not, some auto dealerships will donate or significantly discount brand new cars to organizations and causes that they like. If you are that lucky organization, you will need a full color raffle ticket with stub and numbers. Include a good quality photo of the car and a list of all its features. Organize your group and start raising money.

Vacation Raffle

Similar to the new car raffles, it is possible to get cruise lines or travel companies to donate or significantly discount Travel and Vacation packages, especially if there is some advertising in it for them. They may provide full color advertising art that you can place on your raffle ticket. Use a large premium ticket, with a stub and numbers. A larger ticket size will really showcase the big prize and help you with sales.